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MARRIAGE – Communication and Conflict

“Whether it’s how to guard an evening or how to spend our income – we have a different point of view.  How can we relate to each other in a way that pulls us together instead of apart?”

1 – Power of Commitment                  Joseph marries Mary              Matthew 1:18-25

2 – Power of Words                            David and Michal: cutting words  2 Samuel 6:1-23

3 – Acting on Impulse                         Abram, Sarai and Hagar         Genesis 16:1-16

4 – Dealing with Conflict                     Abraham and Sarah disagree   Genesis 21:1-21

5 – Pulling Apart                                 Adam and Eve blame each other   Genesis 3:1-24

6 – Pulling Together                           Mutual respect                        Ephesians 5:22-6:9