Next Gathering, March 2nd, 4pm Watch Message From February Gathering Click Here To Watch

Parables of Jesus

New Cloth and Wine:

Matthew 9:16-17

Jesus and Demons:

Luke 11:14-26

Salt and Light:

Matthew 5:13-16

Wise and Foolish Builders:

Luke 6:46-49

Two Debtors:

Luke 7:41-43

Rich Fool:

Luke 12:16-21

Faithful Servant:

Luke 12:35-48

Barren Fig Tree:

Luke 13:6-9


Luke 8:5-15

Growing Seed:

Mark 4:26-29

Mustard Seed:

Mark 4:30-32

Weeds Among Crops:

Matthew 13:24-30, 36-42


Matthew 13:33

Hidden Treasure:

Matthew 13:44


Matthew 13:45-46

Fishing Net:

Matthew 13:47-50


Matthew 13:52

Shepherd and Sheep:

John 10:1-15

Master and Servant:

Luke 17:7-10

Unforgiving Servant:

Matthew 18:23-35

Good Samaritan:

Luke 10:25-37

Friend at Night:

Luke 11:5-8

Wedding Feast:

Luke 14:7-14

Counting Cost:

Luke 14:28-33

Lost Sheep:

Luke 15:4-7

Lost Coin:

Luke 15:8-9

Prodigal Son:

Luke 15:11-32

Unjust Steward:

Luke 16:1-13

Rich Man and Lazarus:

Luke 16:19-31

Workers in Vineyard:

Matthew 20:1-16

Unjust Judge:

Luke 18:1-8

Pharisees and Tax Collector:

Luke 18:9-14

Two Sons:

Matthew 21:28-32

Wicked Tenants:

Matthew 21:33-41

Invitation to Wedding:

Matthew 22:2-14

Budding Fig Tree:

Matthew 24:32-35

Ten Virgins:

Matthew 25:1-13


Matthew 25:14-30

Sheep and Goats:

Matthew 25:31-46